
Ho Central constituency Parliamentary Candidate election is on 2nd December 2023 and polling station executives will be deciding on who to choose.

It is very important to note that Ho Central constituency is the heart of Volta Region where NDC dominated and always boast as a Vote bank even though NDC always neglect the voltarians after winning power. The projects of NDC in the Volta region and Ho Central are few.

Now NPP is gaining grounds with meticulous works specially through the current Municipal Chief Executive Hon. Divine Richard K Bosson.

Hon. Divine Richard K Bosson is a pragmatic leader, very hard working, generous and down to earth, he is a leader that you can approach no matter your pedigree. He is a good listener and always ready to assist in what ever way possible.

Hon. Divine Bosson is a grassroots man and the one unifying the party at the Ho Central constituency and with his track record and multiple projects which you can see below, he is the best candidate that can lead the party into the 2024 election as well as win the Ho central seat for The New Patriotic party.

Hon. Divine has pledged to make available funds, and campaign logistics for the polling station executives to campaign vigorously to make the generosity of NPP felt in Ho Central Constituency.

Vote #1 Hon.Divine Richard K Bosson
Dream child foundation in collaboration with Ho municipal chief executive and the overlord of Ho,Togbe Afede the 14th to build the first ever pediatric hospital for our children.

Personal Profile

Hon. Divine R. K. Bosson is
A responsible man married with three children.

He is a fellowship member of CIDA.
Trained at Asian Disaster Reduction Center in Japan
Attended GIMPA where He was awarded Certificate in Project management

Currently the MCE of Ho
Was the former Volta regional Director of NADMO

He acquired a certification in strategic leadership and Management at the Institute of Local Government Studies. (ILGS)

An astute politician, an evangelist and a philanthropist.

The CEO of Spykey security service which he used to protect the Ghana – Togo borders in order to prevent illegal voters from coming to Ghana to vote.

He joined the NPP in 1992 when the party was unattractive to many in In Ho Central constituency.

Relationship with the people, Assembly members and the chiefs.

Hon. Divine Richard K Bosson is a likable person, has a very good relationship with the people across all good aspects of life in Ho central constituency. he always address people by their names meaning he is very good at remembering people. he has family lineage traced to 8 solid communities including Shia, Ave, Takla, Matse, Lume, Taviefe, Akoefe and Ho.

Hon. Is well respected at the Assembly and almost all the assembly members are his friends including the presiding member Agbe Mawunyo who is NDC Vice Chairman. He is loved by the people in the assembly.

Hon. Is well popular among the chiefs in the entire Ho Central and all of them are happy with him being the MCE.

Hon.Divine with Togbe Afede the agbogbomefia


  • 54 Unit Market shops, Mosque and Revenue Post
  • 37 Unit Market Shops
  • Dining Hall for Shia Secondary School
  • Police post at Tokokoe
  • Atikume Canteen
  • 6 Unit Classroom block at Matse TVET School
  • 3 Unit Classroom at Sokode Womens Training Institute TVET
  • 80 Unit Assembly Office Complex
  • MCE/MCD Assembly Building
  • Chip Compound and Nurses Bangalow at Lume
  • Chip Compound and Nurses Bangalow at Takla.
  • Renovation of 3 Unit Classroom at Atikpui
  • Avee/ Lume Road Reshaping
  • Construction of Culvert at Dave
  • Recruitment of over 20 polling station executives to TVET and other Employments.
  • Fixed a lot of street lights for the illunination of Ho central.

Without electing Hon. Divine K. Richard Bosson, NPP has no chance in the parliamentary race. He has a track record of securing the borders by preventing citizens of Togo from coming to vote in Ho Central.

He has projects that he will use to campaign. Since kpotosu of NDC is not having any personal project, and allegedly not an indigent of Ho Central. MCE will leverage on that to win him.

A vote for Hon. Divine R.K Bosson is a vote for the love of NPP in Ho central constituency.

Any form of discrediting or rumors is just a mere political propaganda.